Train millions of AWS Customers
AWS Training Partners help customers maximize their investment, drive faster business results, and invest in their local communities to build the diverse builders of today and tomorrow.
AWS Training Partners are trusted by AWS to offer, deliver, and/or resell official AWS Training, including classroom and digital courses authored by AWS.
Why become an AWS Training Partner?
Innovate and expand your customer offerings to drive greater customer value and profitability.
Grow your business with AWS Training
Join the AWS Partner Network
If you have not already registered your company with the AWS Partner Network (APN), join at no cost.
Enroll in the Training Partner Path
After registering with the AWS Partner Network, enroll in the Training Partner Path.
Learn more about the AWS Training Program and apply
Review the AWS Partner Training Program video* and complete the AWS Training Capabilities Information Form to get started.
Apply to become an AWS Training Partner
*Login required using AWS Partner Network credentials